Low Blood Pressure in Pregnancy and Its Treatment

 Low Blood Pressure in Pregnancy

The woman’s body experiences several hormonal and physiological changes during pregnancy. These changes can cause problems like gestational diabetes and hypotension. Low BP during pregnancy is quite normal. However, it is manageable through a variety of lifestyle and dietary adjustments. If you or someone you know suffers from this, consult your gynaecologist in lucknow and keep track of your health.

A pregnant mother’s body undergoes numerous changes to nourish and support the growing baby. One of the changes is an increase in distensibility of the vascular system, i.e., dilation of blood vessels. This increases the blood flow to the fetus to help support its development.

It can, however, lower blood pressure and even cause hypotension. Does blood pressure affect the baby? Yes, it can affect the baby, causing the baby to have a low birth weight, a premature birth, and the development of delays. Pregnancy-related low blood pressure generally lasts for around 24 weeks and resolves symptoms when the body adjusts to the gestational period.

However, before we proceed further, we’ll look at the typical BP values.

Normal Blood Pressure Values

In general, generally, BP is 120/80 millimetres Hg. If your BP is in the 90/60 range Hg, you’ll feel depleted of energy, sleepy and lethargic.

The question is, what is the cause of the low readings of BP?

Causes of Low Blood Pressure During Pregnancy

Below are a few reasons for lower BP There are a few causes of low BP

· The hormones that aid in the growth of the pregnancy can also trigger dilatation of blood vessels. This leads to the venous pooling of blood.

· The growing fetus constantly uses your energy to support cell division and growth, and you’ll feel drained of energy.

· Because of vomiting and nausea during pregnancy, the amount of food is reduced automatically, which could lead to an energy deficit.

Other causes include –

· Then suddenly, I woke up from the bed

· The process of dehydration (Less the intake of fluids)

· Anaemia (Low haemoglobin)

· Excessive vomiting

· Loss of blood / internal bleeding

· Infections

· medical conditions (Heart Disease, Endocrine gland disorders, etc.)

Notification: Blood Loss & Low Blood Pressure are emergencies. Consult your physician immediately.

Symptoms of Low BP During Pregnancy

· Here are the signs

· Nausea

· Fatigue

· Headache

· Thirst

· Weakness

· Lethargy

· Fainting

· Cold Skin

· Blurred/double vision

Note: If your BP falls too much as a result due to blood loss could result in the following:

· Falls

· Shock

· Organ damage

· Low BP and blood loss could indicate an ectopic pregnancy where the egg becomes fertilized inside tubes or out of the uterus. Blood loss can be internal, and it’s an emergency issue.

Effects of Low BP on Pregnancy

A blood pressure drop is expected during the second and first trimesters. Normal blood pressure is usually restored during the final trimester. Is low blood pressure dangerous during pregnancy? The low BP could cause moms to feel fatigued or lack energy, breathlessness, and occasionally dizziness.

In more serious cases and more severe cases, BP caused by the internal bleeding of a patient or any other health conditions could cause severe harm to the mother and the fetus. Hypotension, for instance, can cause a mother to faint and fall, which can cause trauma to the baby. Mothers expecting are also worried that stress can cause blood pressure to drop. Stress could be a significant cause when you have high BP but not with low BP.

Similar to chronic low BP causes a decrease in blood supply for the developing fetus, resulting in brain damage due to hypoxia. In some instances, the low BP may also signal the presence of ectopic pregnancy. It is a severe problem that requires medical treatment. Hypotension that is prolonged or extreme, If left untreated, could result in preterm labor or stillbirth.

If you’re worried about your health and want to reduce the risk, visit our clinic, where our physicians and care team will check your blood pressure at pregnancy appointments and overall health.

Diagnosis of Low Blood Pressure During Pregnancy

The typical blood pressure is 120/80 millimetres of mercury. It can differ slightly between individuals. If you’re BP readings consistently fall lower than 90/60 mmHg in pregnancy, you could be diagnosed with hypotension related to pregnancy.

In addition to taking a complete medical history for your family and yourself, The doctor you see at Divine Heart Multispeciality Hospital will also ask questions regarding any other symptoms or your daily routine. The doctor could also recommend different urine, blood, or imaging tests when required.

Treatment for Low Blood Pressure During Pregnancy

Medicines to treat lower BP in pregnancy

Low blood pressure is typical during pregnancy. Although it’s generally not hazardous, it could cause discomfort and even complications for both mommy and the baby. Various drugs can be utilized to combat low blood pressure during pregnancy, such as Fludrocortisone, Midodrine, and Ephedrine.

Home Solutions in case of lower BP while pregnant

In addition to consulting with your physician and appointing a doctor, you can take these steps to avoid lower BP (low BP)

1. Diet

· Hydrate your body. Take 80–100 ml fluid (Water, fruit juice, coconut water, etc) every hour.

· The idea is to have smaller portions and frequent meals. Consume small quantities of food throughout the day instead of eating huge meals.

· Consume a variety of vegetables and fruits.

· Eat a nutritious and balanced diet.

· Your doctor might suggest adding salt to your daily diet, but be careful, as adding excess salt can cause consequences. Consult your physician before adding more salt.

· It is possible to try ginger tea if experiencing nausea.

· Coffee also aids.

2. Exercise

Exercise can improve blood circulation. However, it is essential to consult your physician before starting any workout to avoid problems.

3. Restorative and adequate

· Don’t abruptly rise from a seated posture to avoid sudden changes in BP.

· If you experience dizziness, lie down or lie down on your left side to boost your heart’s blood flow.

· Make sure your feet are off the ground regularly to give your body a rest.

· Wear loose clothing. Wear high-knee socks or compression socks to boost blood circulation.

Self-care Tips for Low BP During Pregnancy

Many self-care methods have been shown to help stabilize low BP; however, can you raise BP quickly at home? Here are some quick and easy remedies at home that are beneficial to keep a close eye on your low BP.

· Balanced diet

· During pregnancy, it is advised to eat small portions and eat frequently instead of a large meal. Take note of the increased requirement for nutrients and also take prenatal supplements according to your doctor’s prescriptions. What foods are suitable for people with low BP? Include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, such as eggs, lentils, broccoli, and a few portions of fish and chicken. What is the case with milk? Does milk help with low BP? It is beneficial to people with low blood pressure. It can be consumed to maintain well-balanced blood pressure.

· Drink plenty of water.

· Drinking plenty of soups, coconut water, etc., will help maintain your BP levels at an average level. The loss of fluids or dehydration is often associated with lower blood pressure.

· Wear loose clothes

· Wear loose clothes during your pregnancy. It’s comfy for you and the baby. Wear compression stockings, if advised.

· Do not soak in the tub for long periods or take scalding showers.

· When pregnant, you should beware of bathing for prolonged durations and taking scalding showers, which may further reduce blood pressure.

When to See a Doctor?

You must know the best time to seek medical treatment if you suffer from low blood pressure during pregnancy. Contact your doctor if you’re experiencing persistent indicators of high blood pressure, especially if you’re experiencing symptoms like excessive breathing, fatigue, nausea as well as clammy or cold eyes, a blurring of the skin, or dizziness.

In addition, if you’ve had an antecedent of lower blood pressure, you need to notify your doctor about the condition and take steps to ensure your pregnancy doesn’t get any worse. Your doctor might suggest changes to your lifestyle, like increasing your salt and fluid intake, or prescribe medication to lower your blood pressure. Always remember, it’s best to be cautious and seek medical advice when you are concerned regarding your health or pregnancy.


Low BP during pregnancy is an ordinary condition that women suffer from at the beginning of their pregnancy. It’s usually mild, but it is best to be monitored by an experienced best gynaecologist in lucknow, whom you can see right now via Divine Heart Multispeciality Hospital.


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