Exploring Efficient Birth Control Methods: Importance and Benefits

Unintended pregnancy remains a major public health concern. In the world, 74 million women in low- and middle-income nations have unintended pregnancies yearly. This is the reason for more than 47000 maternal deaths each year. In addition to this, numerous women suffer from chronic damage to the reproductive organs or diseases. Contraception, including guidance from the best gynaecologist in Lucknow, can reduce the health risks associated with pregnancy for older women. Also, it reduces the necessity for abortions and unwanted pregnancies. The effectiveness of barrier methods like condoms and oral contraceptives rests on their proper and consistent usage. If a woman cannot remember taking pills and is not compatible, the chance of failure may become as high as nine women per year, which means that 9 out of the 1009 females will be pregnant in one year. However, if a woman takes one pill daily, the likelihood of getting pregnant is at a minimum of 1 per 100 women a year. In India, women are afraid to take contraceptive pills because of the potential negative side effects. Few people are aware of the other benefits of contraception."

Other advantages that contraceptive pills offer is:

- It makes your period more frequent, light, shorter, and lighter.

- Reduces cramps during menstrual cycles.

- Reduce the risk of developing cancer of the ovary, uterus, and colon.

- Enhances acne and decreases unwanted hair growth.

- Pills can treat certain conditions that cause excessive bleeding and menstrual discomfort, including endometriosis and fibroids. 

Two contraceptives are accessible in India and are non-user dependent.


Mirena is a tiny device installed inside the uterus, similar to the CU T. But what sets Mirena apart from a CU T IUD? CU T has a copper coil wrapped around it. Eighty per cent of women who wear a CU T IUD have no problems with it. However, 20 per cent of women may suffer from heavy menstrual cycles. Seventy per cent of women using Mirena may experience periods for a shorter time than those using CU T, and 20% may have fewer periods. That's where Mirena shines. It is extremely effective, with an average first-year birth rate of 0.1 per cent, comparable to surgical tubal obstruction.

Mirena secretes the hormone 20 milligrams every day.1 mg is equivalent to 1000 micrograms, which illustrates how small the daily production is within the female body. The recommended duration for using Mirena as contraception is five years. This means that once it is inserted into the body, Mirena will work for about five years, with practical effectiveness extending to 6-7 years. After the procedure, women can get pregnant without issues.

Spotting can occur in the first three months after implantation. However, afterward, women may experience a lack of or no periods while using the device. Once the device is removed, regular menstrual cycles return. Concerns about IUS usage causing weight gain lack substantial evidence. While some women may experience acne due to the IUS, it is not a widespread issue and is usually manageable. The risk of uterine perforation during IUS placement is extremely low (less than one in 1,000), largely contingent on the experience of the healthcare professional performing the procedure. Very rarely is it removed without a valid reason. The IUS is suitable for women of all ages and can be safely used by those who are nursing. Even individuals with diabetes can benefit from it. The ideal time for placement is immediately following the period, and it can be inserted in an outpatient setting.

Implanon NXT

The Implanon NXT is a tiny rod inserted beneath the skin of the arm using anaesthesia. It gradually releases the hormone called progestogen and lasts for three years. This matchstick-sized flexible plastic rod has a low rate of failure. Patterns of bleeding may change while using the implant, with vaginal bleeding potentially ceasing, becoming more regular, less frequent, or extended. If frequent bleeding occurs, switching contraceptives may be necessary. Once the implant is removed, a woman can easily conceive. It is recommended for women aged 18 to 40 years and is both cost-effective and affordable. Typically, the implant is placed during the initial five days of the menstrual period and can remain in the arm for three months or be removed earlier if desired. Removal is a straightforward procedure requiring only a small amount of local anaesthesia.

For women seeking effective birth control options, consulting with the best gynaecologist in Lucknow can provide personalized guidance and recommendations based on individual health needs and preferences. Efficient contraception not only helps prevent unintended pregnancies but also offers various benefits for menstrual health and overall well-being.


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