Many myths and misconceptions surround the cardiovascular disease. This broad term refers to any condition that affects the heart and blood vessels. Here are ten common myths surrounding cardiovascular disease.

Myth: Heart disease symptoms is only for the elderly. The truth is that heart disease can affect anyone, regardless of age. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, and smoking can all increase your risk of developing heart disease.

Myth: Heart disease can only be contracted by men. 

Fact: Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Although the risk factors and symptoms of heart disease are different for women than men, they are equally common.

Myth: Heart disease can be prevented because it is genetic. 
Fact: Genetics may play a part in your risk of developing heart disease. Lifestyle factors like diet, exercise, smoking and other factors can significantly impact your risk. A healthy lifestyle can reduce your risk of developing heart disease, even if you have a family history.

Myth: Heart disease is not possible if there are no symptoms. 

Fact: The truth is that many people suffering from heart disease don't have symptoms until they experience a severe condition such as a heart attack. Regular check-ups are essential with your healthcare provider to determine your heart disease risk and take preventative steps.

Myth: High cholesterol alone is the cause of heart disease. 

Fact: High cholesterol is one risk factor for heart disease. However, it's not the only reason. High blood pressure, smoking, and diabetes are all risk factors.

Myth: Exercise is impossible for people with heart disease. 

Fact: Exercise is essential in managing heart disease and preventing complications. Regular exercise can benefit people with heart disease, provided their healthcare provider has cleared them.

Myth: Heart disease is fatal. 

Fact: Heart disease can be severe, but it is often manageable with lifestyle changes and medication. Many heart patients can live active, fulfilling lives.

Myth: Hypertension is only for those with high blood pressure. 

Fact: Hypertension is a common condition that affects approximately 1 in 3 Indian. Because it is not often visible, it is sometimes called the silent killer. However, it can lead to serious health issues such as heart disease and stroke if it isn't treated.

Myth: You can't eat certain foods if you have heart disease. 

Fact: Although a healthy diet is essential for those with heart disease, certain foods can be eliminated. Balanced diets that include a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can help reduce the risk of developing heart disease.

Myth: People with a history of heart disease are not at greater risk. 

Fact: Although a family history of heart disease may increase your risk, this is not the only factor. Your risk of developing heart disease can be increased by other risk factors such as high blood cholesterol, smoking, and a sedentary lifestyle, regardless of family history.

Remember that your doctor is a partner in your recovery, so don’t hesitate to ask them questions. Divine Heart & Multispeciality Hospital offers different specialties in cardiology, cardiovascular surgery and many more, Book an appointment with a best cardiologist in lucknow.


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