
Showing posts from December, 2022

Angioplasty: What Is It, Experience, Risks, And Recovery?

    Overview Angioplasty is a type of cardiac surgery procedure to improve blood flow in coronary arteries that have become narrow or blocked. Basically, it is done by using a balloon to stretch where plaque makes space inside an artery which makes it narrowed or blocked. However, most recent balloon angioplasty procedures also involve inserting a short wire mesh tube called a stent in the artery during this procedure. Who needs to have Angioplasty? People who have had a heart attack or with coronary artery disease may require coronary angioplasty . It can also be used in the other parts of the body such as your neck, arms and legs, kidneys, and pelvis. It allows more hemoglobin to get through an arterial passageway that’s too narrow or blocked with plaque. This indirectly means the supply of hemoglobin will get better to the organ that the corridor reaches after the open heart operation. What is the main purpose of Resection? This resection treats a

Heart Transplant: What is it, Causes, Procedure, Risks, Recovery

    What is a Heart Transplant? A heart transplant is a surgery in which a healthy heart of an organ Donor is placed in place of diseased heart of a patient, two or more healthcare providers must declare the donor brain-dead. Heart transplant is a treatment that is usually given to reserve for people whose condition hasn’t improved enough with medications or other surgeries prescribed by a doctor.  Heart transplant is a major operation of open-heart surgery, your chance of survival is good with appropriate follow-up care. Causes of Heart Failure include: Heart Attack Viral infection of the heart muscle  High blood pressure Low (RBCs) red blood cells count (anaemia) Heart effects in infants, children(congenital) Irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias) High blood pressure in the lungs Alcoholism or drug abuse Chronic lung diseases, enlargement, thickening of Heart muscle  Low red blood cell count (anaemia) Heart valve disease  Alcoholism or drug abuse Process of Heart